A popularization article on the use of magnetic shape memory alloys as magnetic muscles has been published in Vesmir journal (in Czech only). See here.
What happens when you bent magnetic shape memory material? You can find out in our new article: R. Chulist, L. Straka, H. Seiner, A. Sozinov, N. Schell, T. Tokarski, Branching of {110) twin boundaries in five-layered Ni-Mn-Ga bent single crystals,
Our article L. Straka, L. Fekete, M. Rameš, E. Belas, O. Heczko, Magnetic coercivity control by heat treatment in Heusler Ni–Mn–Ga(–B) single crystals Acta Materialia, Volume 169, 1 May 2019, Pages 109-12 on magnetic coercivity control in magnetic shape memory
Our paper “Magnetic coercivity control by heat treatment in Heusler Ni-Mn-Ga(-B) single crystals” has been accepted for publication in Acta Materialia. Simultaneously we got notification that the preprint of paper has been recently listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download
Manuscript preprint on magnetic coercivity control in Ni-Mn-Ga(-B) magnetic shape memory alloy has been published. Enlarged magnetic coercivity is key to novel functionalities of the material. In the manuscript, we discuss the way how the enlargement can be achieved using
In our new publication we report a unique observation of non-conventional twins in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite. The non-conventional twinning system, i.e. the twinning where neither the shearing vector nor the twinning plane has rational indices, was previously predicted theoretically,
Nearly all members of our Department of Magnetic Measurements and Materials joined together in (maybe tradition-setting) Christmas bowling, see photograph below. We enjoyed great evening with nearly no science discussed for this time.
The project results were presented and discussed at the traditional seminar in Ostre u Usteku on November 21-23, 2018, organized by our Department of Magnetic Measurements and Materials. This year we welcomed as international guest our project collaborator Denys
In October 2018, we met with our collaborators from Poland and Finland, in Kraków, beautiful historical Polish town. With Robert Chulist from Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Alexei Sozinov from Lappenranta University of Technology , Finland,